The first of the two confrontations occurs in Philippi, where Paul and Silas encounter a girl with...
Paul and Silas waited in an inner cell shut off from light, too dark even to see. Unfairly accused, stripped, beaten, publicly humiliated, and thrown into jail, everything about the day was...
In 1977, as the praise and worship wave was just beginning to crash on the beaches of the American church, Pete Sanchez, Jr., took Psalm 97:9 in the King James version and wrote...
When I was young, my parents taught me that it is wrong to hate. In fact, I was prohibited from using the word "hate." If I said, "I hate peas" or "I hate...
A city that renounces God is condemned, but paradise bustles with meaningful work.
Chapters 13 through 17, often called the Upper Room Discourse, contain so much profound theology that we can only touch on a...