Sharing the Wealth: How to Grow Success
Audio / Produced by The High CallingTranscript
This is a tale of two bosses. Boss No. 1 sees information as gold to be hoarded. He shares on a need-to-know basis...and he believes that few people need to know. So don’t ask him, either—that makes you suspect.
Boss No. 2 shares the wealth. Information isn’t gold to be hoarded but a seed to be planted. Subordinates are looped in early and often. The more that people know, the more they can grow in their jobs.
This is Howard Butt, Jr., of Laity Lodge. Ask anyone who works for anyone else, and she’ll tell you this: the best bosses are inclusive. The best bosses grow their own success by cultivating others’ the high calling of our daily work.
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Workmatters is a non-denominational Christian marketplace ministry helping people discover God's purpose for their work since 2003. They do this through digital content, small group studies, live events and training so you can gain fresh insight for living out your faith at work.
Workmatters Studies are designed to help people grow as leaders based on biblical principles. They are easy to start and facilitate, and have helped thousands of people in companies both large and small across the U.S. discover a renewed sense of passion for their work.
Contributors: Howard E. Butt, Jr.
Published by The High Calling, September 18, 2011. Image by
Alex E. Proimos
Used with Permission.
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