Working for God Outside of Church: November 15 Newsletter
Newsletter / Produced by The High Calling
Whatever work you do, it matters to God. God doesn't give more points to pastors or missionaries or people who work for nonprofits. God values the work you do in your cubicle or classroom or kitchen, and you can glorify God by doing it. That’s a promise worth praying for.
Called Out of the Ministry
From The High Calling
We need doctors, engineers, nurses, and politicians who actively believe in the ministry of their work.
Working for an Audience of One
From The High Calling
We have great freedom as followers of Jesus. Will we use that freedom to please God through our work?
Is Church Work a Higher Calling?
From the Theology of Work Project
What matters most is not one's job title or place of work, but obedience to God, the one who calls us.