
Can Anyone Be a Leader?

Video / Produced by The High Calling

Be sure to learn from other industry expertsfrom architects to CEOs to small business ownersin our series of 60 Second interviews on What defines a good leader?

Transcript: Most people think that pastors are leaders, but if you look at Ephesians, chapter 4, pastors are equippers of the saints. Pastors, teachers, evangelists . . . their job is to equip the saints, the whole body of Christ, so that the whole body gets stronger. Literally---the body language--- we’re ligaments, we connect people. So, partly using Biblical metaphors we realize there’s really no such thing in church language as clergy and laity.

Laos means people. There are the people of God who are called to be the agent of transformation under one leader, Jesus. Well, that means in every square inch where we have influence . . . every kitchen table, every school room, every classroom, every courtroom, everyplace where we are . . . if we can be functioning as the body of Christ, trying to help transformation happen, then we’re all leaders.

It’s just pervasive as the notion as a group of lower classed people who received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, who became the agent of world transformation in the Roman Empire.